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Discover the fermano

Monte Vidon Corrado

Monte Vidon Corrado

Monte Vidon Corrado, nestled in the hills of the Marche region, is a historic gem with a charming medieval atmosphere. Narrow cobblestone streets, ancient buildings and panoramic views offer a unique experience, while cultural events and local traditions add to its charm.

monte vidon corrado - visione notturna
monte vidon corrado - parco pittorico

Monte Vidon Corrado rose in medieval times in a strategic position, on the axis of communication between the Tenna and Chienti valleys, on a panoramic spur dominating the territory from the Sibillini Mountains to the sea. Of that past the toponym remains, referable to the “castle of Guidone” and later of “Corrado,” one of Fallerone’s sons, the first mention remains in a document of 1229, when Fermo sought coalition with neighboring castles to stem the will to expand of Rinaldo, Duke of Spoleto; the medieval matrix is strongly legible in the urban structure, imprinted on the ancient feudal castle enclosure whose polygonal walls, now incorporated in later buildings, date back to the 14th-15th centuries.


Monuments, Churches

  • Parish church of St. Vitus Martyr, with 18th-century canvases by Monti inside, an intense crucifix from the school of Guercino and the 17th-century chapel of the dedicatee saint , fully stuccoed.
  • Church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel
  • Church of St. Joseph – rural
  • Church of San Liberato – rural
  • Church of St. Philip


Other attractions to visit

  • Belvedere behind the walls
  • Literary café
  • Osvaldo Licini House Museum
  • Osvaldo Licini Study Center
  • Osvaldo Licini Pictorial Park
  • Amalassunta Square
  • Victory Square
  • Osvaldo Licini Square
  • Municipal Theater
  • Panoramic terrace


Local traditions

Typical activities: Dinner in the square in the summertime.
Food and wine: “Li caciù co’ la fava”.

Punti chiave

Ecco alcune informazioni chiave


429 m s.l.m.


5,95 km²




San Vito di Lucania

Info and contacts

Comune di Monte Vidon Corrado

Piazza Osvaldo Licini, 7 - 63836 Monte Vidon Corrado (FM)

Dove trovo gli uffici per richiedere le informazioni turistiche?

Osvaldo Licini House Museum and Study Center
Tel. 334.9276790

Quali sono le aree di sosta Camper?

Parking area on Fair Street.
GPS coordinates N. 43°07’19” E 13°29’01”.
Distance to center: 150 mt.
Facilities: lighting, drainage.


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